PMJDY is a nationwide scheme launched by the Government of India to ensure financial inclusion of every individual who does not have a bank account in India.
This scheme aims at providing access to financial services, namely, Banking / Savings & Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit, Insurance, and Pension in an affordable manner to all.
This scheme was launched in August 2014 and according to reports by the Ministry of Finance, around 4 crore bank accounts have been opened under this scheme till September 2014.
An individual can consider opening an account under this scheme with any bank branch or Business Correspondent (Bank Mitr) outlet. Further, accounts opened under PMJDY can be opened with Zero balance. However, if the account-holder wishes to get a cheque book, he/she will have to fulfill minimum balance criteria.
The account holders under this scheme will be given a RuPay debit card which can be used across all ATMs for cash withdrawal.

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